If you are not making any changes to your current FEHB enrollment, then you do not need to do anything. Then select Benefits to speak with a representative who will assist you.Įmployees who are deaf or hard of hearing, may use the Federal Relay Service at 1-80. Just call the Employee Service Line at 1-87. you receive a message in PostalEASE directing you to contact the HRSSC when attempting to make a change.you cannot use the telephone, Internet, Employee Self Service kiosk or Intranet for a medical reason, or.You may contact the HRSSC for assistance if: If you experience a qualifying life event and you want to newly enroll, change your enrollment, cancel or reduce your coverage you must contact the HRSSC for assistance. To confirm coverage you MUST contact your health plan directly.
Please be advised that you must contact the Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC) to change a family member on a Self Plus One enrollment, to add a common law spouse or to add a foster child (as defined under FEHB Make an election as a new employee within 60 days of your date of hire.Make a change to your current enrollment during FEHB Open Season (NovemDecember 13, 2021, 11:59 p.m.Accessing PostalEASE on the Internet, at an Employee Self-Service Kiosk (available in some facilities), or on the Intranet (from the Blue page), may be easier than using the telephone. Postal Service employees to newly enroll, change current enrollment, or cancel enrollment in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. The PostalEASE website and telephone system provide a convenient, confidential, and secure way for U.S. How to Use PostalEASE Manage Your Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Enrollment Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments.Snow & Dismissal Procedures Toggle submenu.Presidential Rank Awards Toggle submenu.Senior Executive Service Toggle submenu.Recruitment, Relocation & Retention Incentives.Federal Labor-Management Information System.Labor-Management Relations Toggle submenu.Federal Workforce Priorities Report (FWPR).Human Capital Management Toggle submenu.FAQs on Federal Workforce Management Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.Selective Placement Program Coordinator.Data, Analysis & Documentation Toggle submenu.General Schedule Qualification Standards.General Schedule Qualification Policies.Classifying Federal Wage System Positions.Classification & Qualifications Toggle submenu.The V-Lite™ Multi-Mode is 1 single color with multiple programmed functions at the click of one button.Skip Secondary Navigation In This Section LED’s indicate low battery and mimic main LED blink pattern.Use it in the field, at home or abroad or slip it into MOLLE/ Weighing in at a mere 0.8 ounces, it’s an unnoticeable addition to your helmet during routine operations and low-profile enough to reduce snag hazards during airborne operations. Mounting is made simple with the V-Lite™ sleeve, providing the operator with a Velcro-backed attachment system. Fully encapsulated to ruggedize the electronics, the flexible silicone body not only protects the good stuff inside, but also conforms to curved surfaces. One button to cycle through the programmed functions and/or colors keeps it simple. A simple and intuitive alternative to chemlights. The V-Lite™ is a versatile personal lighting/identification marker allowing the user to program the light to their preferred function.